
Showing posts from August, 2020

First fragment of my past life of '87

I've lost everything I've ever owned several times.  So like some kind of hedonistical robot I only live in the now.  Things only serve to hold you down, it's far too easy to have had that reversal where things own you. Some time 17 years ago however I was given a bunch of boxes of my past, which I had thought were lost forever.  Oddly enough I was to lose it all in a few more years.  The boxes were stuffed with so many relics from my past: photographs, negatives, year books, old books, tapes, programs, trading cards.  My past in mass produced goods.  At the time it felt so nice to have gotten that box of my past back in the winter of 2002.  I had planned on scanning it all, to save it, but of course I got distracted in the day to day, and I never did get around to it. I'm sure it's in some landfill around Clarksville TN. I had always thought I had lost them all, but then while looking for some old random download that had been purged from the internet...